6. GPUs on Spider
This is a quickstart for using GPUs. In this page you will learn:
how to access GPU nodes
how to build and run a singularity container that:
uses GPUs
runs CUDA code
runs python code
runs jupyter notebooks
6.1. Using GPU nodes
To run your program on GPU nodes some guidelines for the user have to be taken into account. Firstly, GPUs and their drivers are only available on the GPU nodes wn-gp-[01,02]
and wn-ga-[01,02]
and not on the UI nodes.
To interactively log in to a GPU node run:
srun --partition=gpu_v100 --time=00:60:00 --gpus v100:1 --pty bash -i -l
This will open a bash session on a machine in the gpu_v100
partition for 60 minutes.
Asking for more GPUs than the total available on a node does not give an error, your jobs will run on the maximum number.
All GPU nodes run Nvidia hardware and the CUDA drivers are available on the GPU nodes. Other GPU software needs to be obtained and deployed by the user. We suggest users to create or make use of pre-build Singularity containers. The Spider team can provide assistance to users who are not familiar with container. In this case please submit your request for assistance via our our helpdesk.
In case the version number of the drivers has to be known, the user can find the version number and other information on the GPU hardware with:
srun -p GPU_PARTITION --gpus GPU:N_GPUS nvidia-smi
where the GPU_PARTITION is either gpu_v100
, gpu_a100_22c
or gpu_a100_7c
depending on which one you are planning to use. The gpu_a100_7c
partition has an AMD CPU with 7 cores, while the gpu_a100_22c
has an Intel with 22 cores per GPU. Both partitions have the exact same A100 cards. The --gpus
flag specifies which type of GPU you want to use and how many, you will get N_GPUS
up to the maximum in the cluster of type GPU
which can be v100
or a100
The compilation and running of code is recommended to be done inside of a singularity container, so start by building a singularity image. More information on singularity on Spider can be found at singularity containers. Once the container is available, the program can be run.
Next, some short examples for building and running commands are shown. A more in-depth container build procedure is shown here.
6.1.1. Simple building example
Building can be done as follows:
singularity build ubuntu.sif docker://ubuntu
In this example, the latest stable version of ubuntu is used (found here). For running libraries like tensorflow or pytorch or CUDA tools, please create or obtain appropriately compiled containers. A few links to more resources are given here.
After the singularity image has been sucessfully built, the user can enter a shell in the container with:
singularity shell --nv ubuntu.sif
In the shell, commands can be run which are executed in the container environment. You can also run a command directly in the container and get the output using exec
singularity exec --nv ubuntu.sif echo "hello world"
The --nv
flag is necessary to expose the GPUs on the host to the container.
Here follows an example for running the container in batch mode with a shell script. Start by making a file called script.sh
#SBATCH -p gpu_v100
#SBATCH -G v100:1
#SBATCH -e slurm-%j.out
#SBATCH -o slurm-%j.out
singularity exec --nv ubuntu.sif echo "hello world"
The flags -e
and -o
instruct SLURM in which files to write respectively stderr and stdout of the job. In this case they are both sent to the same file, this is done for comparison in the next step. If you now run this shell script on the ui-[01-02]
nodes with bash script.sh
, it will result in:
INFO: Could not find any nv files on this host!
hello world
as the UI nodes do not have access to GPUs and thus do not have an nv file to point the container to the required libraries. Running the script in batch mode with sbatch script.sh
, the -p
flag is used, and the job ends up on a GPU node. The output becomes:
hello world
Of course, this ubuntu image does not have any of the tools needed to build GPU-native code or libraries that can run on the GPU. Refer to this section for more resources and this section for an example.
While you do not get the warning about finding the nv file when using the --nv
flag, you also have to specify the name of the GPU to use, otherwise none are allocated to you! This can be done with the --gpus
or -G
flag, as can be seen in the example shell script.
Now you are ready to build on top of a base container and run your code on a GPU!
6.1.2. Accounting of GPU usage
Currently the usage of GPU nodes is accounted for in GPU hours. This means that even though multiple cores are used simultaneously, one hour of use of a GPU node is billed as 1 GPU-hour. By default, half the CPU cores of the node (22) are used when you use half of the available GPUs. When using GPUs the CPU cores are not counted and fall under the GPU hours. In contrast to generic CPU use in a ‘regular’ job, where one hour of multi-core usage is billed as multiple CPU hours, depending on the number of cores.
6.2. Building and running a singularity container
In this section we show how to build a singularity container use it to run code in its environment. There is extensive documentation from singularity itself here.
The steps in this section are done on GPU nodes, to ensure availability of the drivers, which may be needed in some compilation steps.
6.2.1. Building directly from dockerhub
There are multiple ways to build a container. To build directly from docker hub, for example the latest version of tensorflow, one can invoke:
singularity build --nv tf_latest.sif docker://tensorflow/tensorflow:latest
and the image tf_latest.sif
from dockerhub will be built, containing the contents of the latest tensorflow
image from the makers of tensorflow. The docker image is converted by singularity to a singularity container. You can also get an image from a different source, such as the Nvidia container repository:
singularity build --nv nvidia-tf.sif docker://nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:22.07-tf2-py3
An Nvidia image contains all the necessary prerequisites to run on Nvidia GPUs, which is preferable on Spider. The tag on the docker image in this case refers to the build release date, the tensorflow version and the python version: july 2022, TF v2, python3.
To directly run the container in memory without writing an image to disk invoke:
singularity run --nv docker://nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:22.07-tf2-py3
In the examples below, the base images are taken from the internet and expanded upon using definition files, to build custom singularity containers. The singularity documentation on definition files can be found here.
6.2.2. Running CUDA code
Here, we show the method of using a definition file, as opposed to above, where directly building from a repository is shown. A definition file contains the steps that are followed during the building of the container and steps that are performed when, for example, singularity run
is called. The contents of the definition file are shown before these contents are explained. Start by making the file called cuda_example.def
and add all the steps we want to take to make a container:
Bootstrap: docker
From: nvidia/cuda:11.7.0-devel-centos7
#This section is run inside the container
yum -y install git make
mkdir /test_repo
cd /test_repo
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-samples.git
cd /test_repo/cuda-samples/Samples/2_Concepts_and_Techniques/eigenvalues/
#Executes when the "singularity run" command is used
#Useful when you want the container to run as an executable
cd /test_repo/cuda-samples/Samples/2_Concepts_and_Techniques/eigenvalues/
This is a demo container to show how to build and run a CUDA application
on a GPU node
This container will take a base image from docker-hub and use a pre-built nvidia/cuda container of a specific version. This container also contains the necessary CUDA tools to compile binaries that run on GPUs. After starting from this base-image, in the next steps some tools are installed, directories are created and filled with a git repository. From this repository a single example of a CUDA applictation is compiled. When running the container on the command line, this application is run automatically.
Now that we have the definition file, we can build the singularity image with:
singularity build --fakeroot --nv --sandbox cuda_example.sif cuda_example.def
In this command some flags are used, these and more are explained in the table below.
Flag |
Functionality |
raises permissions inside the container to |
exposes the nvidia drivers of the host to the container (makes them available) |
allows the final container to be changed in write-mode, should only be used for debugging! |
allows writing into a sandboxed container when invoking |
was needed for installing git
and make
in the container, as of 2024 it is not strictly necessary. --nv
is necessary to access the GPU from within the container, and --sandbox
is used to allow the user after running this example to go into the container and make changes to folders, files or run other commands that change the state of the container. If container --fakeroot
building permissions are not enabled for you on the GPU nodes, please contact us at our helpdesk.
Once the container is built - which can take a few minutes as multiple base containers have to be retrieved from the internet - you can run it using
singularity run --nv cuda_example.sif
which will output the result of the eigenvalues-test, as was instructed in the definition file under %runscript
. To run commands from within a shell in the container that allow for making changes, do
singularity shell --nv --writable cuda_example.sif
The container was exposed to the GPU at build-time, and at run-time it also has to be exposed with --nv
, otherwise it can not find the drivers! In case the container is still under development and needs debugging, use the --writable
flag so that missing packages/libs can be added to the container at runtime. These packages have to be added in the definition file for the final singularity build.
Only use --sandbox
and --writable
when developing the image. Once the build is settled, create the container with a definition file and distribute it as-is for maximum stability.
There is also a full HPC development image made available by Nvidia, called “HPC SDK”, which is the software development kit that contains all the compilers, libraries and tools necessary to build efficient code that runs on GPUs. This image can be found here.
6.2.3. Running python
Popular python interfaces for modelling are tensorflow, keras, pytorch, and more. An example for using tensorflow in singularity is provided below, but some warnings have to be taken into account, due to the default behaviour of singularity with the host machine.
Starting on a machine in the GPU partition, we create a definition file nv-tf-22.07.def
Bootstrap: docker
From: nvcr.io/nvidia/tensorflow:22.07-tf2-py3
cd /tmp
git clone https://github.com/tensorflow/docs
cd /tmp/docs/site/en/tutorials/keras
This is a demo container to show how to run tensorflow in python
and build the container using the usual
singularity build --nv nv-tf-22.07.sif nv-tf-22.07.def
In this definition file, the tensorflow docs and tutorials are installed as an example to show how to do it.
Running pip
inside the container using singularity shell
when it is in --writable
mode will write the python libraries to the default mounted location. This location is the $HOME
-folder of $USER
. As such, pip packages will end up on the host machine and not in the container. To avoid this behaviour, only run pip
during the building of the image in the definition file, or change the mounting behaviour of singularity when entering the shell. For example, mount the local path of your project as working directory as the $HOME
in the container.
For information on this, read man singularity-shell
and bind mounts.
As the home folder is mounted by default in singularity, and python searches certain folders by default, it is possible that inside the container packages from the host machine are called, instead of what is inside the container. For example, the ~/.local
folder on the host machine can have precedence over site-packages in the container. To avoid errors from mounting or binding at all, use the flags --no-home
or --no-mount=[]
. If errors appear relating to CUDA .so
files, or versions of packages are mismatching, ensure that the user-space is not accidentally providing libraries to the container.
Use singularity only to control the versioning of the environment and encapsulate your libraries in the container and thus control their versioning. Code and data files can be fed to singularity, so keep such files external to the container.
The example we are about to execute in the container comes from the tensorflow library: classifying pieces of clothing. Now create a file to run fashion.py
, set it to executable with chmod 755 fashion.py
and add the following:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# TensorFlow and tf.keras
import tensorflow as tf
# Helper libraries
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fashion_mnist = tf.keras.datasets.fashion_mnist
(train_images, train_labels), (test_images, test_labels) = fashion_mnist.load_data()
class_names = ['T-shirt/top', 'Trouser', 'Pullover', 'Dress', 'Coat',
'Sandal', 'Shirt', 'Sneaker', 'Bag', 'Ankle boot']
train_images = train_images / 255.0
test_images = test_images / 255.0
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)),
tf.keras.layers.Dense(128, activation='relu'),
model.fit(train_images, train_labels, epochs=10)
test_loss, test_acc = model.evaluate(test_images, test_labels, verbose=2)
print('\nTest accuracy:', test_acc)
probability_model = tf.keras.Sequential([model,
predictions = probability_model.predict(test_images)
This example will create a model that recognizes the clothes in a picture, and a prediction of a set of test images is done at the end. The result can be compared to the official example. The matplotlib output is omitted in this example for simplicity. This output can be seen in the section on jupyter notebooks.
Now this code can be run on a GPU node with:
singularity exec --nv nv-tf-22.07.sif ./fashion.py
Or run it interactively on a GPU node in the container line-by-line with:
singularity shell --nv nv-tf-22.07.sif
If there is an output in the terminal running the python code similar to:
2022-07-29 11:53:24.017428: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1532] Created device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 30987 MB memory: -> device: 0, name: Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB, pci bus id: 0000:00:06.0, compute capability: 7.0
this means the GPU is being used for your computations.
Also, by wrapping the singularity command in a shell script called fashion.sh
and adding the appropriate #SBATCH
commands at the top, the script can be submitted to the batch system with sbatch fashion.sh
. The script would look like:
#SBATCH -p gpu_v100
#SBATCH -G v100:1
singularity exec --nv nv-tf-22.07.sif ./fashion.py
6.2.4. Running jupyter notebooks
Many users prefer working in interactive notebooks during development of their models. Here an example is shown of running tensorflow in a jupyter notebook. There is also a more general section in this documentation on jupyter notebooks here.
Make sure you use the GPU version and not the CPU version of your software in the container.
We start with the image from the previous subsection, the tensorflow container from the Nvidia repository with the added examples: nv-tf-22.07.sif
. This image also contains jupyter by default.
ssh USERNAME@spider.surfsara.nl
srun --partition=gpu_v100 --gpus v100:1 --time=12:00:00 --x11 --pty bash -i -l
singularity shell --nv nv-tf-22.07.sif
where USERNAME is your username and the partition is a GPU partition, like gpu_v100
, gpu_a100_7c
or gpu_a100_amd_22c
depending on your project. The singularity shell
command is needed to start jupyter from the command inside the container. The tutorials were cloned during the building of the image. The container is read-only, and some of the examples will require to download and store some files. To have writing functionality available for the examples, build the image with --sandbox
and run it with --writable
, as mentioned in this section.
Start the notebook with:
cd /tmp/docs/site/en/tutorials/keras
jupyter notebook --ip=
The python output will return an address like
. Opening this address in your browser will give you access to the notebook, but only if there is a tunnel that forwards the jupyter kernel to your machine. Now, we have open a tunnel to forward the port on which the python kernel communicates to the local machine where the user works. In this way, the notebook can be openened in the browser:
ssh -NL 8888:wn-gp-01:8888 USERNAME@spider.surfsara.nl
where USERNAME is your username and wn-gp-01
should changed to the node on which the python kernel is running. This tunneling command has to be running in a separate terminal, and ensures the communication from port 8888 (right hand side) on the remote machine is forwarded to port 8888 (left hand side) on the local machine. The port that is given when you start the jupyter notebook defaults to 8888, but if it is already in use, the value will be different. The used value can be seen in the jupyter output in the terminal.
Now you can run an example from the keras
folder by going to the http-address provided by jupyter.
Some jupyter instances provide a link of that contains hostname:8888
. Replace hostname
with localhost
to properly fetch the notebook.
The terminal will now have CUDA output, while the notebook contains all the python and graphical output. Again, if there is an output in the terminal running the notebook similar to:
2022-07-29 11:53:24.017428: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1532] Created device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0 with 30987 MB memory: -> device: 0, name: Tesla V100-PCIE-32GB, pci bus id: 0000:00:06.0, compute capability: 7.0
this means the GPU is being used for your computations. Now you can run the classification (fashion) notebook and compare with the output of the repository to see if you get similar results.
6.2.5. Advanced GPU querying
Some of the GPU nodes in spider have multiple GPUs installed. This opens up the avenue where multiple users use the same node simultaneously. Here are some more advanced commands to explore a few options.
To get one GPU and leave the other GPU on the node available for other users, do:
srun -p gpu_a100_22c --gpus=a100:1 --pty bash
To run on 2 GPUs simultaneously and have no other users on the nodes do:
srun -p gpu_a100_22c --nodes=1 --exclusive --gpus=a100:2 --pty bash
Do not request multiple GPUs unless you are sure your code can run on multiple GPUs. If you need exclusive acces to the node, use the --exclusive
By default, half the cores of the node (22) are used when you use 1 out of 2 GPUs. To use only a single CPU core while using GPU do:
srun -p gpu_a100_22c --cpus-per-task=1 --gpus=a100:1 --pty bash
For more information read the man-pages of SLURM.
6.2.6. Resources on singularity and containers
See also
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